Get involved and educate yourself on diabetes prevention, and volunteer with agencies and service organizations to help those living with diabetes.
Intro & Diagnosis

- Overweight
- 45 years of age or older
- A parent, brother, or sister with diabetes
- Physically active less than three times a week
- If a woman, a history of gestational diabetes or polycystic ovary disease
- High blood pressure
- Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, and Asian ethnic/race groups have higher risk
Programs & Support

- Asking for help from others
- Learning to say no
- Getting enough sleep
- Knowing yourself – what are the things that cause you stress?
- Making time for fun
- Having a to-do list
- Setting small, doable goals
- Getting active
- Taking a break from whatever is stressing you out

- MyFitnessPal is one popular app that people use to track their food.
Why Prevention?

- Overweight
- 45 years of age or older
- A parent, brother, or sister with diabetes
- Physically active less than three times a week
- If a woman, a history of gestational diabetes or polycystic ovary disease
- High blood pressure
- Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, and Asian ethnic/race groups have higher risk

Prevention Shows Promise

- 55% of the participants needed help (like joining a program) to lose their weight
- 98% changed their food intake
- 94% got more active (walking was the most common type of physical activity)
- 78% eat breakfast everyday
- 75% weigh themselves at least once a week
- 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV each week
- 90% exercise every day, about 1 hour

- All adults over the age of 45 should know what their fasting glucose level is.
- Adults under the age of 45 who are overweight or obese and have at least 1 other diabetes risk factor should know their fasting glucose level.
- People with prediabetes should receive treatment to help them prevent type 2 diabetes.
- Worksites, schools, churches and other community organizations need to support healthful living.
- We need policies that support healthy families and communities (such as accessible grocery stores, affordable healthful foods like fruits and vegetables and safe, walkable and bikeable communities)
- We can all play a role – it takes a widespread Yooper Commitment to prevent type 2 diabetes!
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